Natural Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies | Dharma Homoeopathy

Natural Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies | Dharma Homoeopathy

Natural Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
Imagine having to sneeze and run with a runny nose on a perfect weather day. Pollens and mold spores floating through the air tend to become irritating on such days. People encounter several seasonal allergies and issues that can be countered through the support of natural home remedies under homeopathy. 

While dealing with such seasonal allergies, one always avoids medicines, or else our bodies become heavily dependent on them. Opting for natural home remedies to cure seasonal allergies comes friendly to both the immune system and our bodies. 

Home remedies come with the power to cure issues like congested sinuses, headaches, and watery or itchy eyes. Fast allergic reliefs can be brought right to your aid through home remedies with natural solutions. 

What are Seasonal Allergies? 

Seasonal allergies are one of the most common issues faced by people throughout the world. It is mainly caused by tree and plant pollens. People can face multiple allergies throughout the year as seasons keep on changing and give rise to different issues in the air.  An allergy can be defined typically by the reactivity in the body caused by an antigen in response to first exposure. It can also be described as immunological reactions of the body to substances and situations. 

Histamine is a chemical produced naturally in the body that automatically responds to something that is allergic to you. Allergic reactions are caused by the immune system which causes several symptoms.  Some of the major allergic reactions include: 
  • Inhaling pollen due to seasonal changes in spring and autumn leads to seasonal allergies. 
  • Food allergies which trigger due to specific ingredients. 
  • Drug or medication allergies.
  • Indoor allergy due to dust or mold.
  • Allergies due to pets or furry animals.

Major Causes of Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are mainly known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. These allergies are responses of the immune system due to different airborne substances present in the atmosphere at other times of the year.  Major-Causes-of-Seasonal-Allergies

The major causes of seasonal allergies include: 

1. Pollen from Tree, Grass, and Weeds

The most common trigger of seasonal allergies occurs due to pollen from trees like oak, birch, cedar, and pine. Each of these trees has different blooming seasons during which they release pollen. Hence, causes allergic reactions in people throughout the year. 

2. Mold Spores

Molds are another common reason why people face allergic reactions. They can grow both indoors and outdoors depending on the season and dominant factors influencing their growth.  Some of the most common mold spores that lead to allergic reactions include Alternaria, Cladosporium, and Aspergillus. 

3. Fungal Spores 

Fungi are similar to mold spores and travel through the air into our body systems. They grow majorly in moist and humid environments which when inhaled lead to allergic reactions during such times of the year. 

4. Weather Changes

Weather accounts for additional factors that predominantly affect people getting allergic reactions in their bodies. Hot, dry, and windy weather causes widespread pollen easily as compared to the dry, winter weather.  These allergies come harmless to most people but the ones with sensitive immune systems can suffer a lot. Under such cases of seasonal allergies, home remedies can be opted for quick relief. 

Effective Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies 

Allergy and its symptoms do not have a specific cure in general but many natural home remedies have the power to reduce the irritation caused by them. Moreover, it comes as a very holistic approach to health maintenance.  Effective-Home-Remedies-for-Seasonal-Allergies

1. Nasal Saline Irrigation

A very simple method through which our bodies can get rid of allergies is through nasal saline irrigation. Through the use of a neti pot or a nasal spray bottle, one can rinse their nasal passages with saline solution.  This method tends to reduce inflammation and congestion by clearing out pollen in the air passage. Saline solution can easily be made at home with salt and water to find quick relief. 

2. Alkaline Free Diet

The practice of eating an anti-inflammatory diet reduces the risk of many health-related issues including allergies. Providing your body with a nutrient-rich diet allows your immune system to work on itself such that it handles common allergens naturally.  Some of the best foods to include in your diet for a healthy immune system are: 
  • Garlic: Garlic comes as a natural antibiotic for infections and viruses. Consuming two cloves of raw garlic can act as a powerful antioxidant and keep you away from seasonal allergies. Raw garlic tends to boost immune systems quickly. 
  • Lime: These are natural immune-boosting fruits that are rich in vitamin C and protect your body against allergies. Adding lemon water to your regular diet can work as a method to detoxify your body against any kind of impurity. 
  • Leafy Vegetables and Bone Broth: Leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, moringa, mint, mustard leaves, etc provide a vitamin and mineral-rich diet to our bodies which reduces inflammation. While another option bone broth comes rich in amino acids that enhance our immune system. 

3. Raw Honey

Eating raw honey every day in some method such as mixing a tablespoon into your tea can build your immunity. Raw honey contains bee pollen that eliminates infections and allergies. Honey also contains several enzymes that provide relief from energy and boost the immune system. 

4. Stinging Nettles 

Recommended even by doctors, stinging nettles have the ability to regulate histamine levels in your body. This has been working as a herbal remedy for centuries now. People can infuse the essence of this leaf into their teas or through their homeopathic remedies.  The nettles also consist of antihistamine that produces responses against allergens. Some of the other food ingredients that work in the same manner include: 
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Butterbur
  • Horehound

5. Probiotics 

The step towards a healthy immune system is through healthy gut health. About 80% of your immune health depends completely on your gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics help in improving the healthy bacteria that live inside our gut.  Probiotics can be found naturally in food items such as yogurt or kefir that boost immune systems. One can also take these in the form of food supplements if they are unable to take them organically. 


Natural remedies for quick relief against seasonal allergies prove to be effective and help in strengthening the immune system. Opting for a healthy diet that is enriched with nutrients and minerals provides sustainable solutions against allergies. People can protect themselves from any harsh medication and improve their overall health through home remedies. 


The best home remedies against seasonal allergies include the following: 

  • Nasal clearing or irrigation
  • Managing a healthy and alkaline-free diet
  • Having probiotics-rich products

Yes, natural remedies help against seasonal allergies. People can opt for methods like nasal irrigation for extra relief.

The best essential oils that prove effective against seasonal allergies are mint, lavender, and eucalyptus oil. 

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