10 Major Health Issues Best Treated in Homeopathy | Dharma Homoeopathy
Homeopathic medicine is a holistic and healing way of treatment. It focuses on the body’s internal balance, so that when it is restored, the whole system(body and mind) will benefit. It is important to understand that every disease has its own spectrum, from functional disturbance to organ failure. Homeopathy must be adopted at the first stage of functional disruption. At this stage, homeopathy is only able to treat the disease. As the stages progress in the spectrum, the exclusiveness of the treatment will decrease and an auxiliary support method must be used to provide support from the outside. We will be discussing 10 diseases that homeopathy can help with. Before we get to that, we must know what homeopathy is. What’s Homeopathy? Homeopathy can be considered a complement or alternative medicine. This is why homeopathy differs from conventional Western medicine in many ways. It is based on ideas that Samuel